Helm Chart Components
Helm chart components allow you to deploy any helm from a public or connected repo. Please refer to the Helm reference for full configuration options.
Configuring a Helm component
To configure a Helm component, specify a repo, the required configuration values and version to deploy it with.
[[components]]name = "helm_chart"type = "terraform_module"helm_chart_version = "1.6.3"[components.connected_repo]directory = "helm_chart"repo = "<your-org>/<your-repo>"branch = "main"
resource "nuon_helm_chart_chart_component" "helm_chart" { name = "helm_chart" app_id = nuon_app.<your-app>.id helm_chart_version = "1.6.3"
connected_repo = { directory = "helm_chart" repo = "<your-org>/<your-repo>" branch = "main" }}
You can configure Helm components to use either a public repo (using a public_repo
block) or a private GitHub
repo (using a connected_repo
block). Read more about VCS configuration here.
Open Source and Private Charts
Nuon supports any Helm chart that can be accessed using git. It is common for apps to have both a combination of public, open source helm charts for deploying standard components and private helm charts for application specific configuration.
Helm Value Configuration
One of the most important parts of deploying a Helm chart into a customer account, includes setting values properly. Values can be used for everything from accessing infrastructure, setting images or scaling pods.
Variables allow you to set default values for a Nuon app, expose customer configuration options, reference infrastructure from other components or access an image that was synced into the customer account.
Examples for accessing common interpolated variables:
[[components]]name = "helm_chart"type = "helm_chart"chart_name = "<your-app>"[components.connected_repo]directory = "components/helm-chart"repo = "<your-org>/<your-repo>"branch = "main"[components.values]# access a synced imageimage_repository = "{{.nuon.components.image.image.repository.uri}}"image_tag = "{{.nuon.components.image.image.tag}}"# access outputs from a terraform componentoutput_value = "{{.nuon.components.terraform.outputs.output_value}}"# access outputs from the sandboxaws_region = "{{.nuon.install.sandbox.outputs.aws_region}}"vpc_id = "{{.nuon.install.sandbox.outputs.vpc.id}}"# access information about the install domainpublic_root_domain = "{{.nuon.install.public_domain}}"internal_root_domain = "{{.nuon.install.internal_domain}}"
resource "nuon_helm_chart_component" "helm_chart" { name = "helm_chart" app_id = nuon_app.<your-app>.id
chart_name = "<your-app>" connected_repo = { directory = "components/helm-chart" repo = "<your-org>/<your-repo>" branch = "main" }
// access a synced image value { name = "image_repository" value = "{{.nuon.components.image.image.repository.uri}}" } value { name = "image_tag" value = "{{.nuon.components.image.image.tag}}" }
// access outputs from a terraform component value { name = "output_value" value = "{{.nuon.components.terraform.outputs.output_value}}" }
// access outputs from the sandbox value { name = "aws_region" value = "{{.nuon.install.sandbox.outputs.aws_region}}" } value { name = "vpc_id" value = "{{.nuon.install.sandbox.outputs.vpc.id}}" }
// access information about the install domain value { name = "public_root_domain" value = "{{.nuon.install.public_domain}}" } value { name = "internal_root_domain" value = "{{.nuon.install.internal_domain}}" }}
Using a Helm Values File
You can add a values file, and set multiple values at once.
[[components]]name = "helm_chart"type = "helm_chart"chart_name = "<your-app>"[components.connected_repo]directory = "components/helm-chart"repo = "<your-org>/<your-repo>"branch = "main"[[components.values_file]]contents = """image.tag = {{.nuon.components.docker_build.image.name}}"""
resource "nuon_helm_chart_component" "images" { name = "helm_chart" app_id = nuon_app.<your-app>.id chart_name = "<your-app>"
connected_repo = { directory = "components/helm-chart" repo = "<your-org>/<your-repo>" branch = "main" }
values_file { contents = yamlencode({ "image.tag": "{{.nuon.components.docker_build.image.name}}" }) }}
Default Sandbox Components and DNS
The aws-eks
managed sandbox ships with standard Helm components + DNS zones to solve for common use cases, such
as exposing a public or private https service. This includes:
The sandboxes are open source and can be customized, if these components do not work for your application.
Using Domains
The Nuon managed sandboxes automatically deploy the components required to provision DNS, Certificate and Load Balancer resources using Helm. There are multiple ways to use these components. Here are examples of the two most common.
If you want to leverage AWS services, you can provision an NLB that uses an ACM certificate.
Your chart would contain a Service resource, configured so that the operator will create an NLB.
---apiVersion: v1kind: Servicemetadata: name: nlb-public namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} labels: {}
annotations: service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-nlb-target-type: ip service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-scheme: internet-facing service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-target-group-attributes: preserve_client_ip.enabled=false service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-ssl-cert: {{ .Values.api.nlbs.public_domain_certificate_arn }} service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-ssl-ports: https service.beta.kubernetes.io/aws-load-balancer-backend-protocol: tcp external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname: {{ .Values.api.nlbs.public_domain }}spec: type: LoadBalancer loadBalancerClass: service.k8s.aws/nlb allocateLoadBalancerNodePorts: false externalTrafficPolicy: Local internalTrafficPolicy: Local selector: {} ports: - name: https port: 443 targetPort: http
You would parametrize the Service with the following values in your chart’s values.yaml
file, to accept public and private domains an ACM certificate ARN.
nlbs: public_domain: nlb.INSTALL_PUBLIC_DOMAIN internal_domain: nlb.internal.INSTALL_INTERNAL_DOMAIN public_domain_certificate: nbl.PUBLIC_DOMAIN_CERTIFICATE
Then, you could set those values per install with the following component config.
resource "nuon_helm_chart_component" "nlb" { name = "nlb" app_id = nuon_app.<your-app>.id
chart_name = "nlb" connected_repo = { directory = "chart" repo = "<your-org>/<your-repo>" branch = "main" }
value { name = "nlbs.public_domain" value = "nlb.{{.nuon.install.public_domain}}" }
value { name = "nlbs.public_domain_certificate_arn" value = "{{.nuon.components.infra.outputs.public_domain_certificate_arn}}" }}
Nginx Ingress with Cert Manager
If you would prefer to manage resources within Kubernetes instead, you could use the Nginx ingress and have the cert-manager
operator provision a certificate.
In your chart, you would define the Ingress and Certificate resources.
---apiVersion: networking.k8s.io/v1kind: Ingressmetadata: name: api-public namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} labels: {} annotations: external-dns.alpha.kubernetes.io/hostname: {{ .Values.nginx.public_domain }} kubernetes.io/ingress.class: nginxspec: tls: - hosts: - {{ .Values.nginx.public_domain }} secretName: e2e-ingress-public-tls rules: - host: {{ .Values.nginx.public_domain}} http: paths: - path: / pathType: Prefix backend: service: name: api port: number: 80
---apiVersion: cert-manager.io/v1kind: Certificatemetadata: name: api-nginx namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} labels: {{- include "common.apiLabels" . | nindent 4 }}spec: secretName: e2e-ingress-public-tls dnsNames: - {{ .Values.nginx.public_domain }} issuerRef: name: public-issuer kind: ClusterIssuer
Then, allow configuring the domain in the chart’s values.yaml
nginx: public_domain: nlb.INSTALL_PUBLIC_DOMAIN
You could then set the domain per install in your component config.
[[components]]name = "nlb"type = "helm_chart"chart_name = "nlb"[components.connected_repo]directory = "components/nlb"repo = "<your-org>/<your-repo>"branch = "main"[components.values]"nlbs.public_domain" = "nlb.{{.nuon.install.public_domain}}"
resource "nuon_helm_chart_component" "nlb" { name = "nlb" app_id = nuon_app.<your-app>.id
chart_name = "nlb" connected_repo = { directory = "components/nlb" repo = "<your-org>/<your-repo>" branch = "main" }
value { name = "nlbs.public_domain" value = "nlb.{{.nuon.install.public_domain}}" }}