011 - App metadata and notifications
June 17th, 2024
Apps Rename
You can now rename an application using our CLI.
First, pin an app:
$ nuon apps select
Next, run the apps rename
$ nuon apps rename --name=<new-app-name>
App Notifications
You can setup a slack channel to receive notifications about your application, and get notified of new installs and more.
Simply generate a channel webhook URL, and add it into your app config:
slack_webhook_url = <your-url>
To learn more about setting up a channel, please refer to our guide.
App Metadata
You can now declare a display_name
and description
on your app, which will then be rendered in your installer.
version = "v1"description = "App configuration for bring-your-own-network."display_name = "Bring your own network"
This is helpful for controlling the description of each app, and explaining the differences between configuration options.
Foundational Improvements
As always, what we are sharing here is not all that meets the eye. We’ve been hard at work productionizing our support and Nat + Jon have been working on some foundational work for our new runner (namely, better authorization in our API and some foundational UI tooling and testing).