Custom Domains
By default, each Nuon install will get configured with a <install-id>
root domain, which allows any component to
create or update DNS records.
While the
domain works out of the box, it can be disabled or customized to support different types of
By default, both a public and private DNS zone are created.
Vendor Managed Domain
If you would like each of your installs to have a common root domain, such as installs.<your-domain>.com
, you can set
up a DNS zone and delegate each install’s nameservers.
First, configure your sandbox to use a custom root domain using:
[sandbox]terraform_version = "1.7.5"[sandbox.public_repo]directory = "azure-aks-byovpn"repo = "nuonco/sandboxes"branch = "main"[[sandbox.vars]]public_root_domain = "{{}}"
resource "nuon_app_sandbox" "<your-app>" { app_id = nuon_app.<your-app>.id terraform_version = "1.7.5"
public_repo = { directory = "azure-aks-byovpn" repo = "nuonco/sandboxes" branch = "main" }
var { name = "public_root_domain" value = "{{}}" }}
Now, when an install is provisioned it will automatically create the DNS zone named
Next, the root domain must delegate to the install’s DNS zone.
This can be done by adding NS
records on the root domain.
First, find the nameservers for the public domain by inspecting the sandbox outputs:
nuon installs sandbox-outputs
Next, set up a DNS record on your root domain that delegates the install subdomain. This can be done via your provider’s console our if you are managing DNS using Terraform you can use a record similar to this:
resource "aws_route53_record" "docs" { zone_id = aws_route53_zone.main.zone_id name = "install-id" type = "NS" ttl = 3600 records = [ "ns-1", "ns-2", "ns-3", "ns-4" ]}
Customer Managed Domain
You can allow a customer to bring their own domain by using an app input. Once the install is provisioned, the customer will be responsible for delegating the DNS subdomain. Please refer to the previous section for more details on how to delegate the domain.
To offer custom install domains, add the following to your config file:
[[inputs.input]]name = "root_domain"description = "Root domain for install"default = ""sensitive = falserequired = truedisplay_name = "Root"
resource "nuon_app_input" "root_domain" { app_id = nuon_app.<your-app>.id
input { name = "root_domain" description = "Root domain for install" default = "" sensitive = false required = true display_name = "Root" }}
Next, set the sandbox root domain to the input value:
[sandbox]terraform_version = "1.7.5"[sandbox.public_repo]directory = "azure-aks-byovpn"repo = "nuonco/sandboxes"branch = "main"[sandbox.vars]public_root_domain = "{{.nuon.install.inputs.root_domain}}"
resource "nuon_app_sandbox" "<your-app>" { app_id = nuon_app.<your-app>.id terraform_version = "1.7.5"
public_repo = { directory = "azure-aks-byovpn" repo = "nuonco/sandboxes" branch = "main" }
var { name = "public_root_domain" value = "{{.nuon.install.inputs.root_domain}}" }}
Disabling DNS Zones
You can completely disable DNS in any sandbox by adding the following to your sandbox config: