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005 - All new installer experience

Feb 26th, 2024

Improved Installers

It has been exciting hearing just how much you all love our app installers. Installers let you take your Nuon app, and give your customer a fully managed install experience. You can share your installer with prospects looking to do a POC, on your docs page, or as part of your product directly.

We have shipped the following improvements:

  • you can now define inputs, and they will be added to your installer. Inputs allow you to collect customer inputs, expose configuration knobs and can even be used to support third party cloud providers

  • inputs can be now be marked as sensitive. This is useful for API Keys, certs and any data that needs to be hidden.
resource "nuon_app_input" "inputs" {
app_id =
input {
name = "api_key"
description = "api key to access a third party"
default = ""
sensitive = true
display_name = "API Key"
  • You can now customize the post-install page, after a customer install has successfully provisioned. We support a templating language which allows you to render out next steps for your customer.

005 installer customizations

A New Self Service Guide

We have slowly been letting folks self-serve with Nuon, and are making improvements to our onboarding experience (more on that later this week!). In the meantime, we have launched a new guide that you can follow to create a BYOC application that uses our ECS runner.

You can find our first guide here, and we would love your feedback! All you need is an AWS account and about 15 minutes of time, and you can go from 0 to fully set up on Nuon.

Our customers are using the ECS runner applications to deploy everything from machine learning pipelines, to data streaming tools, to lambdas.

Internal Infrastructure Improvements

As any infrastructure startup will tell you, your uptime is your product. We run a growing set of single-tenant infrastructure for each of our customers - each customer gets their own install management server, build runner and we dispatch and schedule adhoc jobs for each.

Beyond the single-tenant infrastructure, we use Temporal to power just about every part of our product. Early on, we made the decision to self-host Temporal, so we could easily port our entire product into our customer’s cloud accounts.

We strive to test our system at least an order of magnitude greater than what our customers are running in prod. This means running internal automated tests, canaries and various stress tests that ensure the system limits are well understood, and headroom is monitored. Two weeks ago, this led us to realizing that we needed to rework our Temporal cluster - and we have since rebuilt our internal Temporal presence, and identified some improvements along the way.

Look out for a blog post detailing more about our experience self-hosting Temporal!